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"Quality starts in the Boardroom"

The NEDx Board Services are designed for boards that want to ‘level up’ to becoming high impact and ROI driven boards. 


High impact boards have the following advantages:


  • They function as one unit, a team with an aligned mission and objectives.

  • They are measured on quantitative and qualitative KPIs and objectives agreed by the stakeholders.

  • They have a value system based on trust, transparency, and clear communication.

  • They have a strong board charter where the key pillars define the essence and working of the board.

  • Strong corporate governance, reporting, and meeting structures are of the highest standards.

  • They have a proactive and supportive relationship with the management team with clearly defined reporting parameters.

  • The Chairman of the board is the ‘glue’ of the board and the various relationship spokes.

  • They are responsible for leading by example.

  • Their foundation is based on ‘profit for purpose’.

  • They are well incentivised for the ROI they provide to the company and the stakeholders.

  • The board is an ‘emo-rational’ board, where ‘EQ’ is just as important as ‘IQ’.


NEDx understands how to design, build and enhance high impact boards

We have created them for over 30 years.


Our key Board services include the following;


Board Design and Build

Board Assessments

Board Retreats

Bespoke Board Training and Role Plays

Board mediation and resolution

Modern Structure
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